ASA Swim England Rainbow Distance Swimming Award – 20M
The Swim England Rainbow Distance Awards are designed to complement the 10 different stages of the Swim England Learn to Swim Programme. They are a range of bright, cheerful badges and certificates to help keep your child motivated while working through the individual Learn to Swim stages. The Rainbow Distance Awards (including Puffin Award) are aimed at swimmers of five years and older and are designed to demonstrate the pupils’ ability to swim from A to B without pause and without stress. They are a great way to give swimmers the incentive to develop their swimming abilities and stamina by gradually increasing the distance they can swim. If your child is working through Learn to Swim Stages 1-7 they can also work up to the Rainbow Distance 200 metres Award. Learners on Learn to Swim Stages 8-10 can secure up to the Rainbow Distance 1,500 metres Award. Swimmers who have completed all stages can strive for 5,000m!